Dr. Miller's Holy Tea!
Holy Tea Club
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Most Americans have 10-40 lbs of undigested food just
Sitting there rotting in their colons!
Others are full of Parasites and many more are just out of balance
Because of too many toxins in their blood. They ought to drink
Holy Tea

You will know in your first week how great it works!

May be beneficial for:

Weight loss
Takes inches off your stomach
Good for Diabetics
Indigestion, Acid Reflux
Stomach Distress, Constipation, Bloating
Lowers High Blood Pressure
Lowers Cholesterol
Keeps Liver and Lungs Healthy and clean
Detoxifies - cleans your system of
Poisons, parasites
Chemicals, Bacteria, Toxins
Cleans out Nicotine & Second-hand smoke
You will know in your first week how great it works!

May be beneficial for:

Weight loss
Takes inches off your stomach
Good for Diabetics
Indigestion, Acid Reflux
Stomach Distress, Constipation, Bloating
Lowers High Blood Pressure
Lowers Cholesterol
Keeps Liver and Lungs Healthy and clean
Detoxifies - cleans your system of
Poisons, parasites
Chemicals, Bacteria, Toxins
Cleans out Nicotine & Second-hand smoke



Watch video clip of Dr. Miller at his Clinic & some great testimonials!!!   

Dr. Bill Miller and Connie
Health and Wellness Clinic
Jackson, TN

Dr. Bill Miller (PhD in nutrition), the formulator of Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is the director of the Jackson Health and Wellness Center in Jackson, TN. He began formulating and refining his synergistic blend of herbs over 20 years ago. Thousands of satisfied patients attest to the change that has occured in their lives after taking the Holy Tea. His proprietary formula has been imitated but never duplicated.

Death Begins in the Colon. 

I'm sure you heard the expression "I just felt it in my gut." It may surprise you to learn that scientists have rediscovered a direct connection between the gut and the brain. Dr. Michael D. Gershon, MD discovered that there are complex networks of brain cells in the intestines that may control some of our physical and emotional responses. When there is intestinal distress, it directly affects our well being. We feel the results both physically and mentally. It simply cannot be ignored! Now we have a solution!

Our modern lifestyle has caused an epidemic of intestinal problems. The foods we eat are denatured, missing the living enzymes to properly digest them. We eat fast foods, processed foods, microwaved and frozen dinners. Fiber is lacking in our diet--and microwave kills any life in the food and alters the molecular structure of it. There are so many environmental pollutants and toxins enter our bodies through our noses and skin. Yes, this includes hairsprays, tooth paste, air fresheners and lotions! --to name a few...

But now there is hope for millions who suffer from those debilitating conditions that abound in our society. Dr. Miller's Holy Tea has been quietly changing lives for over 20 years. Now it's available to you! It can change your life!

Most Americans have 10-40 lbs of undigested food just sitting and rotting in their colons!  Some are full of parasites and many more are just out of balance because of too many toxins in their body. Drinking Holy Tea daily continuously and gently cleanses your body, releasing toxins and allowing the body to begin functioning and healing safely and naturally.

We are working in conjunction with Dr. Miller, a nutritionist with 20 years experience, two successful clinics in Jackson, TN along with thousands of testimonials of satisfied customers from various health issues and weight loss.

This natural and safe cleansing tea cleanses your entire systesm sets your body into its natural balanced healing mode and assists weight loss! Beneficial for numerous health issues!

You will look gorgeous and feel gorgeous--like a new person! You will love how wonderful and sexy you will feel! Afterwards when you stay on lDr. Miller's Holy Tea for just one month, you will never want to go back to feeling and looking the way you did before.

People, it works! It really does!

Imitated but Never Duplicated

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is a refreshing blend of herbs that gently detoxifies the body and restores balance. It has been used successfully by thousands of satisfied patients at Dr. Miller's two clinics in Jackson, TN, for over 20 years.

If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you may benefit from Dr Miller's Holy Tea:
  • Obesity / Excess weight
  • Enlarged Abdomen / Protruding Belly
  • Acid Reflux (GERD) &/or Heartburn
  • Indigestion  / Stomach Ache
  • Irregularity / Constipation / Hard or narrow or short stools
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Crohn's Disease
  • Excess Gas / Foul Flatulence / Belching
  • Abdominal Cramps / Bloating
  • Bad Breath / Bad Body Odor
  • Spastic Colon / Colitis Ileitis / Enterocolitis / Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Candidiasis / Yeast Overgrowth / Parasites / Worms
  • Excess Stored Fat
  • Skin Conditions / Itchy, Flaky Skin or Scalp
  • Inflamed Skin / Dermatitis / Eczema / Psoriasis / Acne
  • Allergies & HayFever / Food Allergies
  • Dark Circles under the Eyes
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Brain Fog / Forgetfulness
  • Joint Pain / Arthritis
  • Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia / Restless Sleep
  • Low Energy / Loss of Mental Clarity & Concentration


A Synergistic Blend of Edible Herbs

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea
is a good-tasting, gentle,
safe, all-natural tea with
medicinal herbs and enzymes
which help remove toxins and
provide relief from many health issues.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is a product that is quickly becoming a household name. Whether you need to lose a few extra pounds, detoxify, lower your cholesterol, or simply improve your general health, Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is the product for you! Formulated after 15 years of careful research, Dr. Miller, PhD, has helped thousands of people just like you improve the condition of their health. Try this amazing tea and see what it can do for you!! Order YOURS NOW!

Warning: This product contains cathartic herbs. Pregnant and nursing women, elderly, children and individuals suffering from any illness or health condition should consult with a physician before starting this or any other cleansing exercise of weight management program.
Contact Information

Please fill out contact information below. Put credit card info in the comments section to order sample &/or to become a distributor. 1-mo. Sample: $49.95 + $5 s/h; "1-Week Experience" $12.50 + 2.50 s/h. Distributor FREE - but must do $40, 80, or 120/mo. autoship to qualify for bonuses & matrix. Be sure to include expiration date and be sure the address matches the one on the credit card (or must supply both addresses). Thanks!

Note: Those non-USA registering or ordering must put country & other info that doesn't fit into the "Comments" section.

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This product contains natural herbs which act as a cathartic. Women who are pregnant or nursing, elderly persons, young children, and individuals suffering from any illness or health condition should consult with their personal physician prior to using this or any herbal supplement.

The content of this article is intended "for educational purposes only" and should not be construed as medical advice.  The user testimonials quoted in this article are anecdotal and may not represent typical results. Individual results will vary.

As required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

Disclaimer: Do not take Dr. Miller's Holy Tea as a substitute for medical treatment. Always follow the advice of your personal physician

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